Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Waterproof Casing for Your Gadget

Nowadays, youngsters like us like to

Please don't tell me you're not one of them!
Hell yea, I AM!

So, I would like to share one of my very NEW experience.
What I did is I bought a waterproof casing for my Samsung Note I which I bought in Qoo10 with super cheap price around RM19 included postage.
Then, I bring my phone into sea water.
At last, my phone send into hospital to seek for medication.

For pepoo who plan to silly stuff like me then please let me give you some advice before sending off your gadget into hell.

#1 Waterproof Casing for Samsung User
That's the casing I bought.
In my opinion, this kind of waterproof casing is ONLY for WATERPROOF but not for UNDERWATERPROOF!
And whenever you put your phone beneath water then you can't even snap photos.
I think it's due to the Super AMOLED display which provide higher refresh rates which have response time often to under a millisecond.
Therefore, whenever the phone is underwater the display screen do not work anymore.
The only way is screenshot.
I'll share some of my underwater screenshots.

Here's some of the shoots with my casing ON.

#Waterproof Casing for iPhone User
My friend bought a casing for his iPhone 

His waterproof casing is costs around RM40 provided with a tiny packet of  silica

The function of silica is to avoid water vapour whenever your gadget is underwater.
You need to change it every 6 months if not mistaken.
What he had capture:-

Surprisingly, iPhone can be use beneath the water.
At least it can shoot but my phone just cant do it. :/

#3 Waterproof Phone
Sony Xperia Z 
Buy this if you want to snap underwater photos with full HD super bright screen!
I think this is the best solution with 99% guarantee not sending off your phone to Poseidon. 

Hope you THINK TRICESHOP WISE and USE SMART with your gadgets!

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